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Компрессоры Mycom серии WBHE — запчасти, инструменты, схемы, ремонт и сервисное обслуживание.

Компрессоры Mycom серии WBHE

Компрессоры Mycom серии WBHE - каталоги запчастей и инструментов, инструкции по ремонту, схемы, правила эксплуатации, ремонт и сервисное обслуживание.

Компрессоры Mycom серии WBHE — каталоги запчастей и инструментов, инструкции по ремонту, схемы, правила эксплуатации, ремонт и сервисное обслуживание.

Модельный ряд WBHE компрессоров Mycom включает в себя модели:

Part №Part NameQuantityRemarks
2Crankshaft (коленвал, коленчатый вал)11111Standard or BB
3Drag crank11111 
4Shaft key1111124×15.6×L110
5Flat washer11111φ90
6Lock washer11111For M27
7Flywheel set bolt11111M27×L50 (P=1.5)
8Main bearing head11111 
9Main bearing head gasket11111 
10Main bearing head hexagon head bolt (short)1414141414M16×L55-8.8
11Main bearing head hexagon head bolt (long)22222M16×L110-8.8
12Main bearing (опорный подшипник, коренной подшипник)11111 
225Main bearing «O» ring (for single two-stage compressor)22 
13Main bearing screw11111M6×L15-4.8
14CUNO filter assembly11111 
15CUNO filter cover gasket11111 
16CUNO filter cover hexagon head bolt44444M10×L30-6.8 (small head)
22Oil pressure regulating valve assembly11111 
26Cover plate11111 
27Cover plate gasket11111 
27-1Cover plate «O» ring11111JIS B 2401 G230
28Cover plate hexagon head bolt1212121212M16×L55-8.8
29Thrust bearing (упорный подшипник)11111Standard
29-1Thrust bearing (B.B type) (упорный подшипник)111For BB
226Thrust bearing «O» ring (for single two-stage compressor)22 
30Thrust bearing hexagon head bolt washer66666For M12 (small head)
31Thrust bearing hexagon head bolt66666M12×L40-8.8
32Shaft seal assembly11111 
34Seal ring11111 
37Seal ring «O» ring11111 
35Drive collar assembly11111 
39Drive collar «O» ring11111 
41Floating seat11111 
42Floating seat «O» ring22222 
45Hand hole cover (with window)11111 
46Hand hole cover (without window)11111 
47Hand hole cover gasket22222 
48Hand hole cover screw3232323232M16×L55-8.8
49Head cover (air cooled)23434Not used with water cooled specification.
50Head cover (water cooled)23434Not used with air cooled specification.
51Head cover gasket23434 
52Head cover screw4466886688M16×L45-10.9
53Head jacket cover23434Not used with air cooled specification.
54Head jacket cover screw2436483648M10×L25. Not used with air cooled specification.
55Head jacket cover gasket23434Not used with air cooled specification.
56Oil pump assembly (масляный насос в сборе)11111Refer to «7.3 Specification of Oil Pump».
58Oil pump «O» ring11111JIS W 1516 P43
59Oil pump gasket11111 
60Oil pump hexagon head screw66666M12×L40-8.8*2
61Cylinder sleeve (втулка цилиндра, гильза цилиндра)46868 
62Cam ring (leftward sloped)22244 
63Cam ring (rightward sloped)2242 
65Retaining ring44646 
66Cylinder sleeve gasket46868 
67Cylinder sleeve «O» ring (for high stage in single two-stage compressor)22 
68Lift pin2424362436 
69Lift pin spring2424362436 
70Lift pin stop ring2424362436E4
71Suction valve46868 
72Suction valve spring324864L 36(32)L 54(48)N,R: TYPE II. Others: TYPE IV
H 16H 16
73Valve plate468L 4L 6Refer to «7.4 Specification List of Suction Valve and Discharge Valve».
H 2H 2
74Discharge valve cage guide46868 
75Discharge valve cage guide hexagon head bolt2030403040M12×L60-8.8 (P=1.25)
76Connecting rod assembly (for high stage in single two-stage compressor) (шатун в сборе)22 
77Connecting rod assembly (шатун в сборе)46846 
78Connecting rod screw8121612161/2-20UNF×L140
79Connecting rod hexagon head bolt washer812161216 
80Connecting rod tightening nut (first)8121612161/2-20UNF
81Connecting rod tightening nut (second)8121612161/2-20UNF
82Connecting rod bushing (втулка шатуна)46846 
83Connecting rod needle bearing (for high stage in single two-stage compressor) (втулка шатуна игольчатый подшипник)22 
84UBearing halves (top) (шатунные вкладыши)46868 
84LBearing halves (bottom) (шатунные вкладыши)46868 
85Piston (поршень)46868 
86Piston pin (поршневой палец)46868 
87Piston pin locking spring812161216 
89Piston ring 1st46868 
90Piston ring 2nd46868 
100Oil ring 3rd46868 
101Oil ring 4th46868Not used with three-ring specification.
109Discharge valve cage468L 4L 6Refer to «7.4 Specification List of Suction Valve and Discharge Valve».
H 2H 2
110Discharge valve (нагнетательный клапан)46868 
111Discharge valve seat46868 
112Discharge valve hexagon head bolt468685/8-18UNF×L82
113Discharge valve tightening nut (first)468685/8-18UNF
114Discharge valve tightening nut (second)468685/8-18UNF
116Discharge valve spring487296L 36L 54SR,NR: TYPE III. Others: TYPE IV
H 24H 24
117Safety head spring46868 
119Oil strainer (масляный фильтр)11111 
121Oil strainer cover11111 
122Oil strainer cover gasket11111 
123Oil strainer cover hexagon head bolt44444M10×L30-6.8 (small head)
135Unloader push rod     Refer to «4.3 Capacity Control Order».
142Unloader device spring22323 
143Pushrod washer22323 
144Pushrod hexagon head bolt22323M10×L20-4.6 (small head)
145Unloader piston (разгрузочный поршень)22323 
146Unloader piston cover22323 
147Unloader piston cover gasket22323 
149Unloader piston cover hexagon head bolt1212181218M10×L35-8.8
150Unloader piston cover hexagon socket head bolt22323W 1/4×L15-10.9
150-1Hexagon socket head bolt washer22323 
154Suction strainer (всасывающий фильтр)122*1
156Suction filter metal mesh canvas122*1
158Suction strainer holder spring122*1
159Canvas holder snap ring122*1
161Suction end cover122 
162Suction end cover gasket122 
163Suction end cover hexagon head bolt81616M12×L40-8.8
164Oil sight glass11111 
165Oil sight glass «O» ring22222JIS W 1516 P35
166Oil sight gland11111 
167Oil sight gland hexagon head bolt44444M10×L30-6.8 (small head)
168Discharge elbow11L 1L 1(Refer to A in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
H 1H 1
169Discharge elbow gasket11L 1L 1(Refer to B in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
H 1H 1
170Discharge elbow hexagon head bolt44L 4L 4(Refer to C in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
(1) 2(1) 2
(2) 2(2) 2
172Discharge shut-off valve mating gasket211L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
173Discharge shut-off valve111L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
173-1Discharge shut-off valve companion flange111L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
173BDischarge shut-off valve companion flange mounting bolt and nut444L 4L 4 
H 4H 4
174Discharge shut-off valve mounting bolt and nut444L 4L 4 
H 4H 4
175Scale trap11L 1L 1(Refer to D in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
H 1H 1
176Scale trap mating gasket11L 1L 1(Refer to E in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
H 1H 1
177Scale trap hexagon head bolt448L 4(Refer to F in «7.2 Specification of Discharge Elbow and Scale Trap».)
H 4
178Scale Trap Screen112L 1 
H 1
178-1Scale trap metal mesh canvas11L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
179Scale trap cover112L 1 
H 1
180Scale trap cover gasket112L 1 
H 1
181Scale trap cover hexagon head bolt888L 8M12×L40-8.8
H 4
182Suction shut-off valve111L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
182-1Suction shut-off valve companion flange111L 1L 1 
H 1H 1
182BSuction shut-off valve companion flange mounting bolt and nut444L 4L 4 
H 4H 4
183Suction shut-off valve mounting bolt and nut444L 4L 4 
H 4H 4
184Suction shut-off valve mating gasket222L 2L 2 
H 2H 2
185WWater-cooled oil cooler assembly (маслоохладитель в сборе)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) 
185RLubricating oils cooler assembly(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) 
197Thermometer set (discharge side)(1)(1)(1)(2)(2) 
234Head jacket cover water flange46868 
235Head jacket cover water flange gasket46868 
236Head jacket cover water flange hexagon head bolt812161216 
205Unloader solenoid valve(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) 
JO4140T-type half union (R3/8×Ø6×R3/8)(1)(1)(1)(1)(1) 

По вопросам наличия запчастей, возможности ремонта или сервисного обслуживания компрессора Mycom обращайтесь по телефону в Санкт-Петербурге +7(921) 55-77-130 или по электронной почте info@grs-spb.ru

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